Cemal Çavdarlı
Cemal Çavdarlı, né à Emirdağ (Turquie) le 15 mars 1966, décédé à Gand fin avril 2024, est un politicien binational turco-belge qui a été actif au sein du SP.A (parti social-démocrate flamand), puis de la Liste Dedecker (droite populiste et séparatiste flamande), ensuite de l'AKP, le parti turc islamo-conservateur.
L'article est en anglais parce que je l'avais initialement rédigé pour le wikipédia anglophone, je le traduirai à l'occasion.
1963-2003 - Life before political career
Born in Turkey, he came in Belgium with his mother in 1975, his father had earlier migrated to France in 1969, then to Belgium in 1972.[1] He went back to Turkey to study at the Eskişehir İmam Hatip school (vocational high school for would-be imams) and came back in Belgium as an imam and religion teacher paid by the official Turkish Diyanet. He also studied education at the Ghent University.[2] He was elected at the Belgian Muslim General Assembly on 13 December 1998, and became a member of the Muslim Executive of Belgium a few months later.
2003-2007 - Belgian Socialist member of Parliament
On 12 July 2003 he was sworn in at the Belgian Chamber of Representatives as a substitute to the elected SP.A MP Freya Van Den Bossche, who became a minister. He was candidate at the next federal elections in 2007 on the Senate list and was not elected.
During his term as a Belgian MP, he went back to Turkey in April 2005 for a few weeks to make his shortened (for migrants) military service. When this was made public, there was a small controversy about the loyalty of dual citizens towards the Belgian State.[3]
En 2006, il est élu au conseil provincial de Flandre orientale dans le district électoral de Gand. Quatrième sur la liste, il en a fait le meilleur score avec 4.840 voix[4].
2010 - Unsuccessful Conservative candidate for the Belgian Parliament
When he was informed that he would - as in 2007 - not be put on an eligible place on the SP.A list for the 2010 federal elections he affiliated himself to the LDD and was put on the third place of that list for the West Flanders electoral circle.[5] The LDD suffered a heavy defeat at these elections, only its president was elected in East Flanders, it won no seat elsewhere.
2011 - Islamic conservative candidate for the Turkish Parliament
In April 2011, he was officially announced as fourth candidate on the list of the Islamic conservative Justice and Development Party (AKP) for the upcoming (12 June 2011) parliamentary elections in Turkey in the Eskişehir Province. At the previous elections in 2007, the AKP liste won three of the six seats in this province.[6][7][8] The party did not win more seats in 2011 and Cemal Çavdarlı was not elected. Out of five candidates from the Turkish emigration, only the Swiss Fazilet Dağcı Çığlık, who had already been elected in Erzerum in 2007 for the AKP, was elected, but neither the Belgian Cemal Çavdarlı nor the Germans (all from Köln) Turgut Öker (leader of the German Alevi Association and independent candidate in Istanbul for the Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party), Metin Keskin (an architect and CHP candidate in the province of Sivas) and Aydın Yardımcı (CEO of Aydin, a meat company in Köln, former member of the right-wing ANAP Party, Democratic Party candidate in Ankara).[9]
- ↑ "Geboren in Emirdag (Turkije) en op 1 februari 1975 op negenjarige leeftijd naar Gent gekomen met zijn moeder. Vader was sinds 1969 in Frankrijk aan het werk en verhuisde in 1972 naar Gent" in: "Cemal Cavdarli" (dans une série de portraits, "Het rapport van de allochtone politici in ons land"), Het Nieuwsblad, 27 mars 2005
- ↑ Mehmet Aktan & Irfan Kurtulmuş, "'Misafir işçi'lerin çocukları artık milletvekili", Milliyet, 7 décembre 2006
- ↑ Steven Samyn, "Pourquoi un député ne peut-il pas faire de service militaire en Turquie ?", De Standaard, 4 juin 2005 (traduit du néerlandais)
- ↑ Résultats officiels Gand (province) 2006
- ↑ "Toen het duidelijk werd dat er voor hem bij SP.A geen zichtbare plaats op de lijst inzat, stapte Cavdarli over naar Lijst Dedecker." in: DIH, "Cemal Cavdarli stapt over van SP.A naar LDD", Het Nieuwsblad, 14 mai 2010
- ↑ Cihan News Agency, "Belçika siyasetinden Türkiye'ye transfer", Sabah, 12 avril 2011
- ↑ Mehmet Koksal, "Un ex-député belge candidat AKP aux législatives en Turquie", Parlemento-Independent News Agency, 15 avril 2011
- ↑ Official liste of candidates for the Justice and Development Party (AKP) for the 2011 parliamentary elections in Turkey
- ↑ "Kandidaten aus Europa erneut leer ausgegangen", Turkish Press, 15 juin 2011