Entrisme communautaire

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A diverses reprises, dans plusieurs pays, des accusations d'"entrisme communautaire" ont été lancées dans des contextes de votes internes pour la désignation de candidats à des élections. En réalité, le phénomène d'adhésions groupées ne sont pas nouvelles dans ce contexte, par exemple quand des membres d'une association laïque ont, dans les années 1980-1990, massivement adhéré à une section du PS bruxellois pour permettre à un futur bourgmestre d'en prendre le contrôle, mais ce cas n'a jamais été évoqué dans les médias, il n'est probablement pas unique au niveau local.

? au Parti travailliste à Birmingham et à Manchester

Olivier Taoumi chez les Verts de Montpellier (1998)

"En 1998, avec [Mustapha] Majdoul, il [Olivier Abdou Taoumi] a imprimé à sa communauté un mouvement d' «insertion républicaine». Il a choisi d'investir un parti, les Verts, et, à l'intérieur, de miser sur un homme: Jean-Louis Roumégas. En 1998, l'entrée concertée de 75 franco-marocains a chamboulé l'échiquier écologiste montpelliérain au profit de l'ami Roumégas."[1]

Daskapan chez Groenlinks à Rotterdam et un autre au Parti travailliste (1998)

voir Élections municipales néerlandaises de 1998

Moe Sihota et Ujjal Dosanjh au NDP de Colombie-britannique (2000)

"Both sides have targeted the Indo-Canadian community, signing up new NDP members so fast that 1,300 of 11,000 people enrolled did not even know they had become New Democrats. Those memberships were invalidated, possibly sapping Dosanjh's convention support."[2]

Asians au Parti conservateur et au Parti travailliste à Glasgow (2002)

"A sudden surge in Asians' membership of the Labour party in Glasgow is sparking fears of candidate warfare, with headquarters rejecting a substantial number of applications.

The looming fight over the reduced number of seats, following boundary changes, has led to a warning from general secretary Lesley Quinn that she will 'come down like a tonne of bricks' on those who try to bend party rules and pack constituency associations.

The row accompanies a dispute within Glasgow's Conservative Party, where Holyrood candidate Ashraf Anjum handed over £1700 in cash to pay for 113 new members' subscriptions. That raised the city membership by 16% and gave Anjum a clear advantage in securing a top position on the Tory top-up list for next May's Scottish parliament election. (...) Rows over Asian political activity have more often affected Scottish Labour, and the Sunday Herald has learned they have returned, with hundreds of new membership applications this year, many of them in Cathcart, about 95% from people with Asian names. The party hierarchy is using tough new rules on recruitment to knock back 'a substantial' number of those who have signed up.

This involves writing to them at their home addresses to check on their commitment to the party, and finding repeatedly that there is no reply. Asian politicians in Glasgow are open about their desire to see their community better represented, having only four councillors and with no ethnic minority presence in the Scottish parliament. Shut out by party elites, the tactic of building up membership is seen as legitimate.

With hundreds of new members largely in the Cathcart constituency, they will quickly form a majority of members, as last year's membership figures show only 780 members, many of them signed up only to use the party's social club in Castlemilk. (...)"[3]


  1. Jacques Molénat, "Les Marocains jouent et gagnent", L'Express, 20 février 2008
  2. Jennifer Hunter and Chris Wood, " Sikh Power: As the B.C. NDP leadership campaign heats up, a potent political community flexes its muscle", Maclean's, 21 février 2000
  3. Douglas Fraser, "Labour reject Asian party applications, Sunday Herald (Glasgow), 22 septembre 2002

Liens externes

http://archive.spectator.co.uk/article/31st-may-1997/14/ethnic-entryism http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1369183X.1998.9976618#.Va5alfntmko

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